Monday, March 6, 2017

The Elements Of a Website: HTML

Header - element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links. A header element typically contains: one or more heading elements logo or icon.

Body - the body tag defines the document's body. The body element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc.

Sidebar - a sidebar is a user interface element that displays a list of choices. It typically appears as a column to the left of the main content, though it can appear on the right side as well.

FooterThe footer tag defines a footer for a document or section. A footer element should contain information about its containing element. 

Monday, January 16, 2017

My Holiday Vacation

"The real joy of Vacation lies in watching the world go to work." -anonymous

 Holidays or vacations are words that bring joy to everyone but they mean different things to different people. As for me, my holiday vacation is least the most enjoy vacation I have encountered in my fifteen years of existence. I spent the whole holiday vacation with my family. It was fun, I guess? But the first week of our holiday escapade was lame. We just stayed at home at do certain stuffs. I love reading, That's why I spent my time reading many of the classics and the bestsellers. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it by the way.

And then the news came that my grandfather died. It was very heartbreaking. But eventually we have endured it. The next week it became less lame. Because I traveled with my father in Tagum, we stroll and enjoyed the time we spent together. We decided to stay there for a few days. I always thought that the start of holidays is always sublime. That there’s is no worrying about back to school blues.

The last five days of my vacation was the best! Because we traveled a lot of places, resort's, sauna's and beach's with the rest of our family. There were a lot of foods, drinks, gifts, and incredible stuffs. That was very memorable because of all the moments we all have shared together.

My holiday vacation may start the lamest. But it had end wondrously and more lively than it did before. That's why I learned that all things may not start as awesome and may not last forever but memories will stay to captivate us in each day. I will never forget it and will treasure it in my entire life and will always thank God for all. May this year be a delightful, favorable, satisfying, and marvelous!

Thank you for reading! Hope you had fun! Have a nice day! Keep smiling! God bless.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Passion of Books

Hello there people of the internet! I am Olga Sophia Pada who is an average girl living in compostela, and I am currently studying at Assumption Academy of Compostela. If you have stumbled across this page, I hope you stay a while and enjoy. Because I am hoping to make this blog into a fun place where I can come and post my stories and all my favorite love quotations. I read so many books all the time, and I think that it is nice to give them a nice ending, and I should write about them about what I thought about them. Who knows, maybe someday I will be found and become a writer! By God's time and grace. I’ve always loved books ever since I was a kid, and writing has also been one of my greatest passion in life, so I am hoping that I can make this a successful blog, even if I’m the only one who will ever see it. At least I have given a try, though I’m not expecting much out of this, I'm not even sure if anyone will see or read this, but if anyone does, I hope they enjoy, leave feedback, and share with others. Thank you all for stopping by! God bless you!♥