Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My Passion of Books

Hello there people of the internet! I am Olga Sophia Pada who is an average girl living in compostela, and I am currently studying at Assumption Academy of Compostela. If you have stumbled across this page, I hope you stay a while and enjoy. Because I am hoping to make this blog into a fun place where I can come and post my stories and all my favorite love quotations. I read so many books all the time, and I think that it is nice to give them a nice ending, and I should write about them about what I thought about them. Who knows, maybe someday I will be found and become a writer! By God's time and grace. I’ve always loved books ever since I was a kid, and writing has also been one of my greatest passion in life, so I am hoping that I can make this a successful blog, even if I’m the only one who will ever see it. At least I have given a try, though I’m not expecting much out of this, I'm not even sure if anyone will see or read this, but if anyone does, I hope they enjoy, leave feedback, and share with others. Thank you all for stopping by! God bless you!♥


  1. woooohhh......that was fun holiday vacation Sophia...i hope you will create more blog.....cause its great hahahahah
